displays two components,
either side by side or one on top of the other.
By dragging the divider that appears between the components,
the user can specify
how much of the split pane's total area goes to each component.
You can divide screen space among three or more components
by putting split panes inside of split panes,
as described in Nesting Split Panes.
If you want to create a split pane with an arbitrary number of components, you should check out Hans Muller's article, MultiSplitPane: Splitting Without Nesting.
Instead of adding the components of interest directly to a split pane, you often put each component into a scroll pane. You then put the scroll panes into the split pane. This allows the user to view any part of a component of interest, without requiring the component to take up a lot of screen space or adapt to displaying itself in varying amounts of screen space.
Here's a picture of an application that uses a split pane to display a list and an image side by side:
that creates and sets up the split pane.
//Create a split pane with the two scroll panes in it. splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, listScrollPane, pictureScrollPane); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setDividerLocation(150); //Provide minimum sizes for the two components in the split pane Dimension minimumSize = new Dimension(100, 50); listScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); pictureScrollPane.setMinimumSize(minimumSize);
methods that set the components dynamically.
The split pane in this example is split horizontally — the
two components appear side by side — as
specified by the JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT
argument to the constructor.
Split pane provides one other option,
specified with JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT
that places one component above the other.
You can change the split direction
after the split pane has been created with
the setOrientation
Two small arrows appear at the top of the divider
in the example's split pane.
These arrows let the user collapse (and then expand)
either of the components with a single click.
The current look and feel determines
whether these controls appear by default.
In the Java look and feel,
they are turned off by default.
(Note that not all look and feels support this.)
The example turned them on
using the setOneTouchExpandable
The range of a split pane's divider is determined in part by the minimum sizes of the components within the split pane. See Positioning the Divider and Restricting its Range for details.
The rest of this section covers these topics:
are equivalent and
set the specified component in the top or left position,
depending on the split pane's current split orientation.
Similarly, calls to setRightComponent
are equivalent.
These methods replace whatever component is already
in that position with the new one.
Like other containers,
supports the add
Split pane puts the first component added
in the left or top position.
The danger of using add
is that
you can inadvertantly call it too many times,
in which case the split pane's layout manager
will throw a rather esoteric-looking exception.
If you are using the add
and a split pane is already populated,
you first need to remove the existing components
with remove
If you put only one component in a split pane,
then the divider will be stuck at the right side or
the bottom of the split pane,
depending on its split direction.
Positioning the Divider and Restricting Its Range
To make your split pane work well,
you often need to set
the minimum sizes of components in the split pane,
as well as the preferred size of either the split pane
or its contained components.
Choosing which sizes you should set
is an art that requires
understanding how a split pane's preferred size and divider location
are determined.
Before we get into details, let's take another look at
Or, if you're in a hurry,
you can skip to the list of rules.
the split pane is at its preferred size,
which SplitPaneDemo happens to set explicitly.
The divider is automatically placed
so that the left component
is at its preferred width
and all remaining space goes to the right component.
Now that you've seen the default behavior of split panes, we can tell you what's happening behind the scenes and how you can affect it. In this discussion, when we refer to a component's preferred or minimum size, we often mean the preferred or minimum width of the component if the split pane is horizontal, or its preferred or minimum height if the split pane is vertical.
By default, a split pane's preferred size and divider location are initialized so that the two components in the split pane are at their preferred sizes. If the split pane isn't displayed at this preferred size and the program hasn't set the divider's location explicitly, then the initial position of the divider (and thus the sizes of the two components) depends on a split pane property called the resize weight. If the split pane is initially at its preferred size or bigger, then the contained components start out at their preferred sizes, before adjusting for the resize weight. If the split pane is initially too small to display both components at their preferred sizes, then they start out at their minimum sizes, before adjusting for the resize weight.
A split pane's resize weight has a value between 0.0 and 1.0 and determines how space is distributed between the two contained components when the split pane's size is set — whether programmatically or by the user resizing the split pane (enlarging its containing window, for example). The resize weight of a split pane is 0.0 by default, indicating that the left or top component's size is fixed, and the right or bottom component adjusts its size to fit the remaining space. Setting the resize weight to 0.5 splits any extra or missing space evenly between the two components. Setting the resize weight to 1.0 makes the right or bottom component's size remain fixed. The resize weight has no effect, however, when the user drags the divider.
The user can drag the divider to any position as long as neither contained component goes below its minimum size. If the divider has one-touch buttons, the user can use them to make the divider move completely to one side or the other — no matter what the minimum sizes of the components are.
Now that you know the factors that affect a split pane's size and divider location, here are some rules for making them work well:
on it
or by overriding its getMinimumSize
For example, if you want the user
to be able to drag the divider all the way to both sides:
Dimension minimumSize = new Dimension(0, 0); leftComponent.setMinimumSize(minimumSize); rightComponent.setMinimumSize(minimumSize);
This should usually happen if the splitpane is given its preferred size, which depends upon the layout manager containing the split pane. Another option is to explicitly set a preferred size on the split pane that is larger than the size of the contained components.
method on the scroll pane,
invoke the appropriate method on the component in the scroll pane
(such as the setVisibleRowCount
for JList
or JTree
For example, to make the left component
150 pixels wide:
splitPane.setDividerLocation(150 + splitPane.getInsets().left);
To make the right component 150 pixels wide:
splitPane.setDividerLocation(splitPane.getSize().width - splitPane.getInsets().right - splitPane.getDividerSize() - 150);
Note that this is implemented in terms of the current size and is therefore really ony useful if the split pane is visible.
To lay out the split pane
as if it just came up,
likely repositioning the divider in the process,
invoke resetToPreferredSizes()
on the split pane.
afterwards —
is not enough to cause the split pane to lay itself out again.
You must invoke resetToPreferredSizes
as well.
Like SplitPaneDemo, SplitPaneDividerDemo features a horizontal split pane with one-touch buttons. SplitPaneDividerDemo has the following additional features:
on the split pane.
called SizeDisplayer
A SizeDisplayer
displays optional text
against the background of a faded (and also optional) image.
More importantly,
it has rectangles that show its preferred and minimum sizes.
to have equal preferred sizes
(due to the equally large images they show)
but unequal minimum sizes.
the split pane is at its preferred size,
which by default
is just big enough for the SizeDisplayer
to be at their preferred sizes.
The preferred size of each SizeDisplayer
is indicated by a red rectangle.
The divider is automatically placed so that both components
are at their preferred widths.
it contains.
The minimum size of each SizeDisplayer
is indicated by a bright blue rectangle.
are displayed at the different sizes,
even though when the application
came up they had equal sizes.
The reason is that
although their preferred sizes are equal,
their minimum sizes are not.
Because the split pane cannot
display them at their preferred sizes or larger,
it lays them out using their minimum sizes.
The leftover space
is divided equally between the components,
since the split pane's resize weight is 0.5.
to be shown at their preferred sizes,
and then
click the Reset button.
public class SplitPaneDividerDemo extends JPanel ... { private JSplitPane splitPane; public SplitPaneDividerDemo() { super(new BorderLayout()); Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 24); ImageIcon icon = createImageIcon("images/Cat.gif"); SizeDisplayer sd1 = new SizeDisplayer("left", icon); sd1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(30,30)); sd1.setFont(font); icon = createImageIcon("images/Dog.gif"); SizeDisplayer sd2 = new SizeDisplayer("right", icon); sd2.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(60,60)); sd2.setFont(font); splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, sd1, sd2); splitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(createControlPanel(), BorderLayout.PAGE_END); } ... }
Setting the continuousLayout property to true
makes the split pane's contents be painted continuously
while the user is moving the divider.
Continuous layout is not on, by default,
because it can have a negative performance impact.
However, it makes sense to use it in this demo,
when having the split pane's components as up-to-date
as possible can improve the user experience.
inside a second split pane.
A simple JLabel
is the other component
in the second split pane.
This is not the most practical use of a
nested split pane, but it gets the point across.
Here's the interesting part of the code, which you can find in
//Create an instance of SplitPaneDemo SplitPaneDemo splitPaneDemo = new SplitPaneDemo(); JSplitPane top = splitPaneDemo.getSplitPane(); ... //Create a regular old label label = new JLabel("Click on an image name in the list.", JLabel.CENTER); //Create a split pane and put "top" (a split pane) //and JLabel instance in it. JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, top, label);
constructors and methods.
Other methods you are most likely to invoke on
a JSplitPane
object are those
such as setPreferredSize
that its superclasses provide.
The JComponent API
for tables of commonly used inherited methods.
The API for using lists falls into these categories:
Method or Constructor | Purpose |
JSplitPane() JSplitPane(int) JSplitPane(int, boolean) JSplitPane(int, Component, Component) JSplitPane(int, boolean, Component, Component) |
Create a split pane.
When present, the int parameter indicates
the split pane's orientation,
either HORIZONTAL_SPLIT (the default)
The boolean parameter, when present, sets whether the
components continually repaint as the user drags the split pane.
If left unspecified,
this option (called continuous layout)
is turned off.
The Component parameters set the initial
left and right, or top and bottom components, respectively.
void setOrientation(int) int getOrientation() |
Set or get the split pane's orientation. Use either
defined in JSplitPane .
If left unspecified,
the split pane will be horizontally split.
void setDividerSize(int) int getDividerSize() |
Set or get the size of the divider in pixels. |
void setContinuousLayout(boolean) boolean isContinuousLayout() |
Set or get whether the split pane's components are continually layed out and painted while the user is dragging the divider. By default, continuous layout is turned off. |
void setOneTouchExpandable(boolean) boolean isOneTouchExpandable() |
Set or get whether the split pane displays a control on the divider to expand/collapse the divider. The default depends on the look and feel. In the Java look and feel, it is off by default. |
Method | Purpose |
void setTopComponent(Component) void setBottomComponent(Component) void setLeftComponent(Component) void setRightComponent(Component) Component getTopComponent() Component getBottomComponent() Component getLeftComponent() Component getRightComponent() |
Set or get the indicated component. Each method works regardless of the split pane's orientation. Top and left are equivalent, and bottom and right are equivalent. |
void remove(Component) void removeAll() |
Remove the indicated component(s) from the split pane. |
void add(Component) | Add the component to the split pane. You can add only two components to a split pane. The first component added is the top/left component. The second component added is the bottom/right component. Any attempt to add more components results in an exception. |
Method | Purpose |
void setDividerLocation(double) void setDividerLocation(int) int getDividerLocation() |
Set or get the current divider location.
When setting the divider location,
you can specify the new location as a percentage
(double ) or a pixel location (int ). |
void resetToPreferredSizes() | Move the divider such that both components are at their preferred sizes. This is how a split pane divides itself at startup, unless specified otherwise. |
void setLastDividerLocation(int) int getLastDividerLocation() |
Set or get the previous position of the divider. |
int getMaximumDividerLocation() int getMinimumDividerLocation() |
Get the minimum and maximum locations for the divider. These are set implicitly by setting the minimum sizes of the split pane's two components. |
void setResizeWeight(float) float getResizeWeight() |
Set or get the resize weight for the split pane, a value between 0.0 (the default) and 1.0. See Positioning the Divider and Restricting Its Range for an explanation of and examples of using the resize weight. |
and where those examples are described.
Example | Where Described | Notes |
This page and How to Use Lists | Shows a split pane with a horizontal split. |
This page | Demonstrates how component size information and resize weight are used to position the divider. |
This page | Puts a split pane within a split pane to create a three-way split. |
How to Use Trees | Uses a split pane with a vertical split to separate a tree (in a scroll pane) from an editor pane (in a scroll pane). Does not use the one-touch expandable feature. |
Text Component Features | Uses a split pane with a vertical split to separate a text pane and a text area, both in scroll panes. |
Text Component Features | Uses a split pane with a vertical split
and resize weight of 0.5
to separate a text pane and an editor pane,
both in scroll panes.
The split pane is in the right half of a container
that has a fairly complicated layout.
Layout managers such as GridLayout
and BorderLayout
are used,
along with the split pane's resize weight,
to ensure
that the components in scroll panes share all extra space.
How to Write a List Selection Listener | Uses a split pane with a vertical split to separate an upper pane, containing a list and a table (both in scroll panes), from a lower pane that contains a combo box above a scroll pane. The lower pane uses a border layout to keep the combo box small and the scroll pane greedy for space. |