can have one or more borders.
Borders are incredibly useful objects
that, while not themselves components,
know how to draw
the edges of Swing components.
Borders are useful not only for drawing lines and fancy edges,
but also for providing titles and empty space around components.
s, and custom subclasses of
. Although technically you can set the border
on any object that inherits from JComponent
, the look and feel
implementation of many standard Swing components doesn't work well with
user-set borders. In general, when you want to set a border on a
standard Swing component other than JPanel
or JLabel
we recommend that you put the component in a JPanel
and set
the border on the JPanel
To put a border around a JComponent
you use its
You can use the
class to create most of the borders that Swing provides.
If you need a reference to a border — say, because you
want to use it in multiple components — you can save
it in a variable of type
. Here is an example of code that creates a bordered container:
JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black));
Here's a picture of the container, which contains a label component. The black line drawn by the border marks the edge of the container.
displays the borders Swing provides.
We show the code for creating these borders
a little later,
in Using the Borders Provided by Swing.
Click the Launch button to run the BorderDemo example using Java™ Web Start (download JDK 6). Alternatively, to compile and run the example yourself, consult the example index.
//Keep references to the next few borders, //for use in titles and compound borders. Border blackline, raisedetched, loweredetched, raisedbevel, loweredbevel, empty; blackline = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black); raisedetched = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED); loweredetched = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED); raisedbevel = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder(); loweredbevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder(); empty = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(); //Simple borders jComp1.setBorder(blackline); jComp2.setBorder(raisedbevel); jComp3.setBorder(loweredbevel); jComp4.setBorder(empty); //Matte borders ImageIcon icon = createImageIcon("images/wavy.gif", "wavy-line border icon"); //20x22 jComp5.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( -1, -1, -1, -1, icon)); jComp6.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 1, 5, 1, 1, Color.red)); jComp7.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 0, 20, 0, 0, icon)); //Titled borders TitledBorder title; title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("title"); jComp8.setBorder(title); title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( blackline, "title"); title.setTitleJustification(TitledBorder.CENTER); jComp9.setBorder(title); title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( loweredetched, "title"); title.setTitleJustification(TitledBorder.RIGHT); jComp10.setBorder(title); title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( loweredbevel, "title"); title.setTitlePosition(TitledBorder.ABOVE_TOP); jComp11.setBorder(title); title = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( empty, "title"); title.setTitlePosition(TitledBorder.BOTTOM); jComp12.setBorder(title); //Compound borders Border compound; Border redline = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.red); //This creates a nice frame. compound = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( raisedbevel, loweredbevel); jComp13.setBorder(compound); //Add a red outline to the frame. compound = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( redline, compound); jComp14.setBorder(compound); //Add a title to the red-outlined frame. compound = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( compound, "title", TitledBorder.CENTER, TitledBorder.BELOW_BOTTOM); jComp15.setBorder(compound);
to create each border.
The BorderFactory
which is in the javax.swing
returns objects that implement the
The Border
as well as its Swing-provided implementations,
is in the
You often don't need to directly use anything in the border package,
except when specifying constants that are specific
to a particular border class or when referring to
the Border
doesn't offer you enough control
over a border's form,
then you might need to directly use the API in the border package —
or even define your own border.
In addition to containing the Border
the border package
contains the classes that implement the
borders you've already seen:
, and
The border package also contains a class named
, which produces a result similar to BevelBorder
but with softer edges.
If none of the Swing borders
is suitable, you can implement your own border.
Generally, you do this by creating a subclass
of the
In your subclass, you must implement at least one constructor
and the following two methods:
which contains the drawing code
that a JComponent
to draw the border.
which specifies the amount of space the border needs
to draw itself.
If a custom border has insets (and they typically have insets)
you need to override both
AbstractBorder.getBorderInsets(Component c)
AbstractBorder.getBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets)
to provide the correct insets.
For examples of implementing borders,
see the source code for the classes in the
Method | Purpose |
Border createLineBorder(Color) Border createLineBorder(Color, int) |
Create a line border.
The first argument is a
java.awt.Color object
that specifies the color of the line.
The optional second argument
specifies the width in pixels of the line. |
Border createEtchedBorder() Border createEtchedBorder(Color, Color) Border createEtchedBorder(int) Border createEtchedBorder(int, Color, Color) |
Create an etched border. The optional Color
arguments specify the highlight and shadow colors to be
used. In release 1.3, methods with int
arguments were added that allow the border methods to
be specified as either EtchedBorder.RAISED
or EtchedBorder.LOWERED . The methods
without the int arguments create a
lowered etched border.
Border createLoweredBevelBorder() | Create a border that gives the illusion of the component being lower than the surrounding area. |
Border createRaisedBevelBorder() | Create a border that gives the illusion of the component being higher than the surrounding area. |
Border createBevelBorder(int, Color, Color) Border createBevelBorder(int, Color, Color, Color, Color) |
Create a raised or lowered beveled border,
specifying the colors to use.
The integer argument can be either
BevelBorder.RAISED or
BevelBorder.LOWERED .
With the three-argument constructor,
you specify the highlight and shadow colors.
With the five-argument constructor,
you specify the outer highlight, inner highlight, outer shadow,
and inner shadow colors, in that order. |
Border createEmptyBorder() Border createEmptyBorder(int, int, int, int) |
Create an invisible border. If you specify no arguments, then the border takes no space, which is useful when creating a titled border with no visible boundary. The optional arguments specify the number of pixels that the border occupies at the top, left, bottom, and right (in that order) of whatever component uses it. This method is useful for putting empty space around your components. |
MatteBorder createMatteBorder(int, int, int, int, Color) MatteBorder createMatteBorder(int, int, int, int, Icon) |
Create a matte border. The integer arguments specify the number of pixels that the border occupies at the top, left, bottom, and right (in that order) of whatever component uses it. The color argument specifies the color which with the border should fill its area. The icon argument specifies the icon which with the border should tile its area. |
TitledBorder createTitledBorder(String) TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border) TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border, String) TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border, String, int, int) TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border, String, int, int, Font) TitledBorder createTitledBorder(Border, String, int, int, Font, Color) |
Create a titled border.
The string argument specifies the title to be displayed.
The optional font and color arguments specify
the font and color to be used for the title's text.
The border argument specifies the border
that should be displayed along with the title.
If no border is specified, then a look-and-feel-specific
default border is used.
By default, the title straddles
the top of its companion border
and is left-justified.
The optional integer arguments
specify the title's position and justification,
in that order.
CompoundBorder createCompoundBorder(Border, Border) |
Combine two borders into one. The first argument specifies the outer border; the second, the inner border. |
Method | Purpose |
void setBorder(Border) Border getBorder() |
Set or get the border of the receiving JComponent . |
void setBorderPainted(boolean) boolean isBorderPainted() (in AbstractButton ,
JMenuBar ,
JPopupMenu ,
JProgressBar , and
JToolBar ) |
Set or get whether the border of the component should be displayed. |
Example | Where Described | Notes |
BorderDemo |
This section | Shows an example of each type of border
that BorderFactory
can create.
Also uses an empty border to add breathing space
between each pane and its contents. |
BoxAlignmentDemo |
How to Use BoxLayout | Uses titled borders. |
BoxLayoutDemo |
How to Use BoxLayout | Uses a red line to show where the edge of a container is, so that you can see how the extra space in a box layout is distributed. |
ComboBoxDemo2 |
How to Use Combo Boxes | Uses a compound border to combine a line border with an empty border. The empty border provides space between the line and the component's innards. |