Use the information in this lesson and the component how-to sections to help you complete these questions and exercises.
Question 1: Find the component that best fits each of the following needs. Write down both the components common name (such as frame) and find the component's how-to page online. [Hint: You can use A Visual Index to the Swing Components to help you answer this question.]
Question 1a: A component that lets the user
pick a color.
Answer 1a: color
Question 1b: A component that displays an icon,
but that doesnt react to user clicks.
Answer 1b: label
Question 1c: A component that looks like a
button and that, when pressed, brings up a menu of items for the user to
choose from.
Answer 1c: uneditable
combo box
Question 1d: A container that looks like a
frame, but that appears (usually with other, similar containers) within
a real frame.
Answer 1d: internal
Question 1e: A container that lets the user
determine how two components share a limited amount of space.
Answer 1e: split
Question 2: Which method do you
use to add a menu bar to a top-level container such as a JFrame
Answer 2: setJMenuBar
Question 3: Which method do you
use to specify the default button for a top-level container such
as a JFrame
or JDialog
Answer 3: JRootPane
's setDefaultButton
method. (You get the top-level container's root pane using the getRootPane
method defined by the RootPaneContainer
interface, which every
top-level container implements.)
Question 4: Which method do you
use to enable and disable components such as JButton
What class is it defined in?
Answer 4: setEnabled
which is defined in the Component
Question 5a: Which Swing components use ListSelectionModel
[Hint: The Use link at the top of the specification for
each interface and class takes you to a page showing where in the API that
interface or class is referenced.]
Answer 5a: JList
and JTable
Question 5b: Do those components
use any other models to handle other aspects of the components
state? If so, list the other models types.
Answer 5b: JList
also uses a ListModel
which holds the list's data. JTable
uses a TableModel
to hold its data and a TableColumnModel
to manage the table's
Question 6: Which type of model
holds a text components content?
Answer 6: Document
Exercise 1. Implement a program
with a GUI that looks like the one shown below. Put the main
method in a class named MyDemo1
Answer 1: See
Here's the code that adds the bold, italicized text:
JLabel label = new JLabel("My Demo"); frame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, label); label.setFont(label.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC | Font.BOLD)); label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER)
Exercise 2. Make a copy of
. Add a menu bar to MyDemo2
Answer 2: See
The menu bar can be implemented
with this code:
JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu"); JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); mb.add(menu); frame.setJMenuBar(mb);
Exercise 3. Copy
. Add a button (JButton
) to
Make it the default button.
Answer 3: See
Here's the code that adds the button
and makes it the default button:
JButton b = new JButton("A button"); frame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.PAGE_END, b); frame.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(b);