The steps a user, such as Kim, would take, are:
keytool -import -alias chris -file Chris.cer -keystore kim.keystore keytool -import -alias terry -file Terry.cer -keystore kim.keystore
java -classpath hs.jar;terry.jar set 456
java -classpath hs.jar;terry.jar get
the application will run unrestricted (policy files and permissions
won't be checked).
tells where the policy file is.
Note: There are other ways of specifying the policy file.
For example, you can add an entry in the
security properties file that specifies the inclusion of kim.policy
as discussed at the end of the
See the Policy File Effects
-classpath hs.jar;terry.jar
specifies the JAR files
that contain the class files needed. For Windows, use a semicolon
(";") to separate JAR files; for Unix, use a colon (":").
specifies the keystore
. Since it does not provide an absolute
URL location for the keystore, the keystore is assumed to be in the
same directory as the policy file.