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Trail: Security Features in Java SE
Lesson: Implementing Your Own Permission
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Below is the source code for ExampleGame. For simplicity, ExampleGame does not actually contain code to play a game. It simply retrieves or updates a user's high score.

To see what the user's current high score value is, you could run:

java ExampleGame get
To set a new high score value for the user, you could run:
java ExampleGame set score 
To retrieve the user's current high score, ExampleGame simply instantiates a HighScore object and makes a call to its getHighScore method. To set a new high score for the user, ExampleGame instantiates a HighScore object and calls setHighScore, passing it the user's new high score.

Here is the source code for ExampleGame, ExampleGame.java:

package com.gamedev.games;

import java.io.*;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import com.scoredev.scores.*;

public class ExampleGame
    public static void main(String args[])
	throws Exception 
	HighScore hs = new HighScore("ExampleGame");

	if (args.length == 0)

	if (args[0].equals("set")) {
	} else if (args[0].equals("get")) {
	    System.out.println("score = "+ hs.getHighScore());
	} else {

    public static void usage()
	System.out.println("ExampleGame get");
	System.out.println("ExampleGame set <score>");

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