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Packaging Programs in JAR Files
Working with Manifest Files: The Basics
JAR files support a wide range of functionality, including electronic signing, version control, package sealing, and others. What gives a JAR file this versatility? The answer is the JAR file's
The manifest is a special file that can contain information about the files packaged in a JAR file. By tailoring this "meta" information that the manifest contains, you enable the JAR file to serve a variety of purposes.
This lesson will explain the contents of the manifest file and show you how to work with it, with examples for the basic features:
When you create a JAR file, a default manifest is created automatically. This section describes the default manifest.
This section shows you the basic method of modifying a manifest file. The later sections demonstrate specific modifications you may want to make.
This section describes how to use the
Main-Class header in the manifest file to set an application's entry point.
This section describes how to use the
Class-Path header in the manifest file to add classes in other JAR files to the classpath when running an applet or application.
This section describes how to use the package version headers in the manifest file.
This section describes how to seal packages within a JAR file by modifying the manifest file.
Additional Information
specification of the manifest format is part of the on-line JDK documentation.