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Trail: 2D Graphics
Lesson: Overview of the Java 2D API Concepts
Home Page > 2D Graphics > Overview of the Java 2D API Concepts


The Java 2D™ API maintains two coordinate spaces.

User space is a device-independent logical coordinate system, the coordinate space that your program uses. All geometries passed into Java 2D rendering routines are specified in user-space coordinates.

When the default transformation from user space to device space is used, the origin of user space is the upper-left corner of the component’s drawing area. The x coordinate increases to the right, and the y coordinate increases downward, as shown in the following figure. The top-left corner of a window is 0,0. All coordinates are specified using integers, which is usually sufficient. However, some cases require floating point or even double precision which are also supported.

This figure represents the space in which

Device space is a device-dependent coordinate system that varies according to the target rendering device. Although the coordinate system for a window or screen might be very different from the coordinate system of a printer, these differences are invisible to Java programs. The necessary conversions between user space and device space are performed automatically during rendering.

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