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Trail: Security Features in Java SE
Lesson: Exchanging Files
Section: Steps for the Contract Sender
Sign the JAR File
Home Page > Security Features in Java SE > Exchanging Files

Sign the JAR File

Now you are ready to sign the JAR file.

Type the following in your command window to sign the JAR file Contract.jar, using the private key in the keystore entry aliased by signLegal, and to name the resulting signed JAR file sContract.jar:

jarsigner -keystore examplestanstore -signedjar sContract.jar 
    Contract.jar signLegal 

You will be prompted for the store password and the private key password.

The jarsigner tool extracts the certificate from the keystore entry whose alias is signLegal and attaches it to the generated signature of the signed JAR file.

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Next page: Export the Public Key Certificate