Below are the steps involved in building a Java Application
that accesses an LDAP Directory Server.
- Install the Java Platform Software
- Get the Directory Server software as discussed
- Configure the Directory Server with the desired schema. For using
the examples in this tutorial a special
schema needs to be configured on the server.
- Populate the directory server with the desired content.
For using the examples in this tutorial a special
content needs to be populated on the server.
- Write a JNDI application to access the Directory, compile
and run it against the Directory Server to get your desired
results. The JNDI examples are covered in the next
first two steps are covered in the previous section.
The rest of this lesson discusses steps
three and part
of step
four. The step
five that involves writing
a JNDI application is covered in the next lesson that shows how to
write JNDI applications to perform various operations on the directory.
Once you've set up the directory, or have
directed your program to communicate with an existing directory,
what sort of information can you expect to find there?
The directory can be viewed as consisting of name-to-object bindings.
That is, each object in the directory has a corresponding name.
You can retrieve an object in the directory by looking up its name.
Also stored in the directory are attributes.
An object in the directory, in addition to having a name,
also has an optional set of attributes.
You can ask the directory for an object's attributes,
as well as ask it to search for an object that
has certain attributes.
Step 3: Directory Schema
A schema specifies the types of objects that a directory may contain.
This tutorial populates the directory with entries, some of which
require special schema definitions.
To accommodate these entries,
you must first either turn off schema-checking in the
server or add the schema files that accompany this tutorial to the server.
Both of these tasks are typically performed by the directory
server's administrator.
This tutorial comes with two schema files that must be installed:
The format of these files is a formal description that
possibly cannot be directly copied and pasted
into server configuration files.
Specifically, the attribute syntaxes are described in terms of
RFC 2252.
Different directory servers have different ways of configuring
their schema. This tutorial includes some tools for installing
the Java and CORBA schemas on directory servers that permit
their schemas to be modified via the LDAP.
Following is a list of tasks the tools can perform.
- Create Java Schema
- Create CORBA Schema
Follow the instructions in the accompanying
to run these programs.
Note: Windows Active Directory.
Active Directory manages its schema by using an internal format.
To update the schema, you can use either
the Active Directory Management Console snap-in,
or the
CreateJavaSchema utility,
following the instructions for Active Directory.
Step 4: Providing Directory Content for This Tutorial
In the examples of this trail, the results shown reflect how
the LDAP directory has been set up using the configuration file
that accompanies this tutorial.
If you are using an existing server, or a server with
a different setup, then you might see different results.
Before you can load the configuration file
tutorial.ldif) into the
directory server,
you must follow the instructions for updating the
server's schema or you can use
ldapadd or
ldapmodify command
if available on your UNIX system.
For example, using ldapmodify you could do (by plugging in appropriate values
for the hostname, administrator DN (-D option), and the password):
ldapmodify -a -c -v -h hostname -p 389\
-D "cn=Administrator, cn=users, dc=xxx, dc=xxx"\
-w passwd -f tutorial.ldif
Installation Note: Access Control.
Different directory servers handle access control differently.
Some examples in this tutorial perform updates to the directory.
Also, the part of the namespace where you have installed the tutorial
might have read access restrictions.
Therefore, you need to take server-specific actions to make the
directory readable and/or updatable in order for those examples to work.
For the
Sun Java Directory Server
add the
aci entry suggested in the
sunds.aci.ldif file
to the
dn: o=JNDITutorial entry to make the entire directory
readable and updatable.
Alternatively, you may change the examples so that they authenticate
to the directory. Details of how to do this are described in the
Adavanced Topics for LDAP users lesson.
Installation Note: Namespace Setup.
The entries in the
file use the distinguished name (DN) "o=JNDITutorial" for the root naming
context. If you have not configured your directory server to have
"o=JNDITutorial" as a root naming context, then your attempt
to import tutorial.ldif will fail.
The easiest way to get around this problem is to add the DN of
an existing root naming context to each "dn:" line in the tutorial.ldif
For example, if your server already has the root naming context
"dc=imc,dc=org", then you should change the line
dn: o=JNDITutorial, dc=imc, dc=org
Make this change for each line that begins with "dn:" in the file.
Then, in all of the examples in this tutorial, wherever it uses
"o=JNDITutorial", use "o=JNDITutorial,dc=imc,dc=org" instead.
Installation Note: File Format.
Depending on the operating system platform that you
are using, you might need to edit tutorial.ldif so that it contains
the correct newline characters for that platform.
For example, if you find that tutorial.ldif contains
Windows-style newline characters (CRLF) and you are importing this file
into a directory server that is running
on a Unix platform, then you need to edit the file and replace
CRLF with LF. A symptom of this problem is that the directory server
rejects all of the entries in tutorial.ldif.
Installation Note: Windows Active Directory.
The root naming context is not going to be "o=jnditutorial".
It will be of the form "dc=x,dc=y,dc=z". You need to follow the
previous Namespace Setup note.
Add the object classes and related attributes for the
"inetOrgPerson" and "groupOfUniqueNames" object classes to the
Active Directory schema by using
the Active Directory Management Console snap-in, ADSIEdit.
"groupOfUniqueNames" is defined in
RFC 2256,
"inetOrgPerson" in
RFC 2798
Some of hierarchical relationships used by the tutorial are not
allowed by default in Active Directory. To enable these relationships,
add them by using
the Active Directory Management Console snap-in, ADSIEdit.
objectclass: organizationalUnit
possible superiors: domainDNS
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
possible superiors: top
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
possible superiors: container
Delete one of the two "sn" attributes from the Mark Twain entry in
Active Directory defines "sn" to be a single-valued attribute,
contrary to RFC 2256.
Use the ldifde command-line utility to load the modified
tutorial.ldif file.
# ldifde -i -v -k -f tutorial.ldif