Trail: Internationalization

The lessons in this trail teach you how to internationalize Java applications. Internationalized applications are easy to tailor to the customs and languages of end users around the world.

Note: This tutorial trail covers core internationalization functionality, which is the foundation required by additional features provided for desktop, enterprise, and mobile applications. For additional information, see the Java Internationalization home page.

trail icon Introduction defines the term internationalization, gives a quick sample program, and provides a checklist you can use to internationalize an existing program.

trail icon Setting the Locale explains how to create and how to use Locale objects.

trail icon Isolating Locale-Specific Data shows how to dynamically access objects that vary with Locale.

trail icon Formatting explains how to format numbers, dates, and text messages according to Locale, and how to create customized formats with patterns.

trail icon Working with Text provides techniques for manipulating text in a locale-independent manner.

trail icon Internationalization of Network Resources explains how to provide internationalization for IDN's and IRI's

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