Trail: Deployment
Lesson: Deployment In-Depth
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Deployment In-Depth Examples

The following table lists all the examples in the Deployment In-Depth lesson. The first column shows the name of the example. Click on the name of the example to launch the example. The second column shows a link to a zip file with complete source code. You can open and run the examples in the NetBeans IDE. See Running Tutorial Examples in NetBeans IDE for more information. The third column has a link to the Java Tutorials topic where the example is described in detail.

(click on link to view example)
Zip File
(contains all source files necessary for the example plus NetBeans IDE project metadata)
Where Described
Customizing Splash Screen depltoolkit_CustomizingSplashScreen Customizing the Loading Screen
Embedded JNLP depl_EmbeddingJNLPInWebPage Embedding JNLP File in Applet Tag
Run Applet depltoolkit_Java2Demo Deploying an Applet

The DeploymentInDepthTutorialExamples zip file contains the complete set of examples listed in the table.

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